Wednesday, October 31, 2018

How well He knows me

I've been distracted about several things over the last few weeks for which I've had to give pause And then I get a message from a friend saying we need a coffee date! How are you doing?... How well God knows me. 
I'm sitting alone on the bench in the park and I'm talking to Him and enjoying the sweet Stillness of our intimate moment and I hear the rapid chirping of a sound I know well. I look over and on a branch 5 feet away is the most beautiful colorful cardinal that I have ever seen...How well he knows me. 
I'm worried about my daughter who is an alcoholic and has been told she has to find her own place so she's staying in the back room of a drug dealer's home with her dog and cat. I've told her I would help get her into a place but she needs to be able to afford it and she needs to find it. I need to set eyes on her to make sure that she's okay. She messages me asking me for a few dollars for gas so she can get back and forth to work. I have $8 cash on me and tell her to come over. She looks okay and we're able to talk for a little bit...How well He knows me. 
I'm talking to Mom's everyday and I'm listening to stories as they share their hearts and their love for their kids. I'm so humbled to be able to be a part of a Ministry that is helping so many families. God knows my heart and led me very specifically to FreedHearts/JBTB for His purpose...How well He knows me! 

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