Wednesday, October 31, 2018

One rung at a time

Remember the first time we tried the monkey bars as a kid? We'd climbed up the ladder and hang there on that first wrung looking at the next bar willing ourselves to move. Sometimes we would gather some momentum by swinging a bit thinking if we could just get far enough we could grab on the next and move forward. Sometimes we would get stuck in the middle holding onto both bars, and then fall to the ground as our fingers slipped.
Did we give up? No, We would climb the ladder again with more determination this time and we'd do it over and over getting blisters and callouses until we we're able to go all the way across. As a kid first starting out it looked impossible but we did it, with determination and persistence.
When our kids first came out to us, its like we were looking at those monkey bars. Impossible to get to the across other side. We take steps up the ladder and grab on to that first wrung. Getting through the initial shock and remembering to breathe. We hang there for a while trying to focus on moving to the next step. It takes some time as we work up the momentum (praying and learning, steadily loving our kid) swinging a bit and grabbing on to the next bar, hanging in the middle, only to have our fingers slip...(one day feeling ok, the next not so much...)
What do we do? We climb the ladder again with more determination this time and we do it over and over until we get all the way across. As a kid it looked impossible. As an adult getting to the other side of loving, accepting, and affirming, may feel impossible But with reading, research, prayer, persistence, and time (yes time) it gets easier and eventually we find ourselves there on the other side. When we look down at our hands those blisters and callouses are a reminder of how much we Love our kids. 
It's not impossible... Remember, keep trying one wrung at a time 
Just a thought

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